LCAA Sunday Workshop August 27: Kelly Lowe "Secret Keys to Relationships"

Time & Location

Aug 27, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM EDT

Willoughby Hills, 35400 Chardon Rd, Willoughby Hills, OH 44094, USA  (In person or virtual)

About the event

Secret Keys to Relationships Workshop

With Kelly Lowe

Understanding and Improving the Dynamics of Relationships

This workshop will focus on relationships and why some people come into your life for a brief time, while others stay for a lifetime! These relationships may include love partners, friends, co-workers or family members. You do not have to be in a committed relationship to enjoy and benefit from Kelly’s insightful information. Everyone has a family member or a friend that they would like to understand or get along with.

Have you ever found yourself repeating the same patterns in your relationships, often without realizing it? Learn how to break the cycles of cause and effect that keep you stuck in unhappy situations, by finding your dharma, or your life purpose. What lessons did you come into this life to learn or overcome? It’s all in your astrology chart! Bring your charts.

Kelly Lowe is an astrological counselor, teacher and author who resides in Ormond Beach, Fl She has been practicing astrology for more than thirty years. Her expertise lies in helping her clients understand themselves better and cope with difficult cycles in their lives as she too she too has had to deal with difficult cycles. She has gone through a divorce and the death of two husbands.

Her first book, “An Astrologer’s Journey, My Life With The Stars” was reviewed by Dell Horoscope and the Mt. Astrologer. It is an entertaining and inspiring ride through life guided by the stars.

In her new book “The Sun Always Rises, How to Thrive in Times of Loss,” Kelly offers an understanding to help us through our dharma and karma and the lessons that we are here to learn in this life time. Her monthly newsletter is available on her website and she communicates regularly on her FB page.

For more information and to register

Kelly is available for private astrology readings by appointment over the phone, zoom or in person. To schedule an appt. email 

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