New Moon in Leo Aug. 4, 2024 – Mercury Retrograde Aug. 5th

August 1st – 3rd – Balsamic Moon, a.k.a. the dark of the Moon. This is a time for closure and completion, a time to release and let go so that you can prepare for the new although not a favorable time to initiate new projects.

August 4th – New Moon in Leo @ 7:13 AM EDT – The Moon in Leo is all about creativity, romance, affection, and recognition. It promotes the desire to be strong, independent, admired, and appreciated. Those who were born with their Sun/Moon and/or Ascendant in Leo will resonate with this energy, but we can all tune into it. It’s a time of enjoyment, warmth, kindness and generosity to others. What do you enjoy doing? Who do you enjoy being with?

The New Moon is a time for setting your intentions for that which you would like to attract into your life and initiating that which you would like to manifest. What is your heart’s desire?

August 5th – Mercury goes retrograde until Aug 28th – This is the perfect time to revisit and restructure thought and belief patterns that no longer server you. Ask yourself: How would I like to rewrite my story? I invite you to take time to re-think, re-organize, and revise. So how can the energy of the New Moon and Mercury retrograde work together? Good question. I guess we will see.

Mercury rules communication, travel, commerce, and technology. I believe we can tune into the energy of the New Moon, but be patient, keeping in mind that we may not see our desired results as quickly as we would like to.
I happen to notice yesterday that the meteorologist on TV mentioned the impact of the new Moon in reference to the storm that was brewing in the gulf and moving across the south.


This is also typically not a good time to initiate any new projects. It is a time to re-think, re-organize, re-visit and revise. So how can the New Moon and Mercury retrograde work together? Good question. Guess we will see. Mercury rules communication, travel, commerce, and technology. I believe we can tune into the energy of the New Moon, but be patient, keeping in mind that Mercury is retrograde and we may not see our desired results as quickly as we would like to. I would suggest setting your intentions and making your list early on Aug. 4th.

For more personal information or explanation about how you can maximize this energy, please feel free to contact me. I always enjoy hearing from you.

Embrace the changes unfolding around you, let go of the past, and step optimistically into the future.

Enjoy your day with love and gratitude.  Kelly Lowe

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