An Astrologer’s Journey – The Clear Light Of The Sun

An Astrologer’s Journeyexcerpt from Chapter 5 ……..  “As I studied, as I observed life in action, I was convinced that we are without a doubt affected by the rotation of the planets.  The movements of the Sun and Moon provide the most obvious correlations for human behavior since the naked eye can witness everything as it relates to events that are taking place in our lives.  Using the Sun and Moon as examples, we can easily grasp how the movement of the planets affect us.  This doesn’t require advanced study in astrology.

During the winter season when the daylight hours are shorter our productivity level seems to decline.  In the summer when the daylight hours are longer we seem to have boundless supply of energy.

A perfect example  of this can be seen in the extreme northern latitudes. I recall flying into Anchorage, Alaska, (the land of the midnight Sun) with the glow of the golden Sun still there over the mountains at twelve midnight.

Although I had been traveling for many hours, my body was fooled into thinking that I was ready to start a new day.”


Kelly Lowe, Astrological Consultant & Author of “An Astrologer’s Journey”

Note:  Kelly can help you plan and prepare for your future. Learn more about your relationships, career, the best place or places for you to live, love work and play.


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