Mercury Rx, stationing direct Feb. 11, 2015



February 11th – Mercury goes direct @ 9:57 AM EST – Although Mercury officially begins moving in a direct motion today, we will not be feeling the full benefit of this until March 3rd when Mercury travels back to 17 degrees of Aquarius which is were it stationed retrograde on Jan.21st. So don’t be surprised if everything doesn’t magically fall into place today. Be patient. Your focus will become much clearer as we approach March 3rd.

Kelly Lowe is an Astrological Consultant and the Author of “An Astrologer’s Journey.” Private appointments can be made by contacting her through her website. She can help you plan and prepare for your future and with challenging cycles in in your life.  Learn more about your relationships, career, the best place or places for you to live, love, work and play.

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