No sunrise this morning. Tide is coming in, but at least we have past the full moon. I figured the storm would subside a bit after that and it would not be as devastating. But unfortunately it did do a lot of damage as the moon was waxing to full.
I have always noticed that following the lunar cycle especially when there is a storm brewing is a perfect example of astrology in action. I can remember seeing this same pattern in 2004 when Charlie, Frances and Jeannie hit us It wasn’t pretty.
When we moved to Ormond Beach in 2002 my husband said he felt save from hurricanes here. They never hit this beach. Well I’m here to you that this is my 5th hurricane since we moved here. Fortunately we have never had a direct hit except for Charlie which came from the west. I have shutters and storm windows and plan to weather Irma at the beach.
Besides, where would I have gone to be out of her path. Even Ga, the Carolina and AL are now on alert. But the good news is that it’s not a Full Moon……………… Let ‘s see how it plays out.
If you are in the path please stay safe…. I’ll send up a smoke signal after she passes my way and invite you to do the same.