Aries Full Moon, Oct. 17, 2024 Full Steam Ahead! Do’s and Don’ts

Full Moons are always a time for releasing and relinquishing and this one is full steam ahead!!! If you have an excess in your life, this is the time to let it all go This can be a time to appreciate and acknowledge how much we have grown. It is time when that which you have been waiting for can be revealed- information and inspiration will come.

Oct. 17th Full Blood Moon in Aries at 7:26 AM EDT- The Full Moon can affect our sleep pattern, so don’t be surprised. You might want to take a nap.

This Moon phase is also known as Harvest Moon or Hunter’s Moon. It appears comparatively larger than the other full moons and is brightly illuminated

Do’s and Don’ts during the Oct 2024 Blood Moon.

Be patient- the Arian energies of this Full Moon could propel us to take unnecessary risks which might be harmful in the long run.

– Control anger: You may want to take a deep breath and think before responding or overreacting in a situation.

– Avoid toxicity: Appreciate and understand the powerful potential of this lunation and use it to stay away from toxic people and situations.

– Actively choose peace: Full Moon rituals are known to bring peace and soothe stimulated nerves. Journaling is a great tool to help clear our thoughts and process intense emotions developed during this period.

Full Moon ritual – Make a list of all that you would like to let go of in your life.. which makes you unhappy or is no longer meaningful or useful. This can include people, attitudes, mindsets and things…  Write them down and burn the list. With the energy of this powerful Full Moon Release and Let Go! Get ready to move forward!

Oct. 17th – Venus is moving into Sagittarius, making a favorable connection with the Full Moon, bringing focus to our finances, romance and the aspirations that surround us. What do you love? Who do you love? Who do you enjoy being with? The Full Moon in Aries is all about you and what you want to do…. And Mars, the energizer bunny is in Cancer squaring the Full Moon, motivating us to move forward.

Yes, this is a time for action. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you as you are preparing to move forward. Your astrology chart is an excellent tool for planning and preparing for your next adventure.

Now that I have survived 2 hurricanes in two weeks with no major damage, I have more time and mindset to communicate. By the way, these hurricanes were on the heels of the Sept. 17th, Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse and Oct. 2nd Solar Eclipse. The lunar cycle certainly does have a major impact on the tides, both storms brought major flooding. Always remember to enjoy each day with love and gratitude.

Love, Light, Peace and Joy,

Kelly Lowe

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