You will continue to feel the influence of Uranus as you strive to achieve your goals and self-expression. This may be one of the most revolutionary cycles in your life. You will find ways and means to achieve your goals and ambitions as Jupiter and Saturn are making a favorable connection to your sun. You will be supported in whatever you set out to accomplish. You will be able to handle whatever comes your way and make the most of challenging situations.
Mars, the energizer bunny will be traveling through your sun sign until the end of this month and Mercury, the communicator and messenger will be making a quick visit through your sun sign the first 2 weeks in April. So use this time wisely for mental activities or projects.
This should be a very high energy and active year for you. Although the solar eclipse/new moon on March 20th was at 29 Pisces, the last degrees of the zodiac, you will still feel the motivating energy of this eclipse. If you are a March 20 – 26 Aries this eclipse will be especially significant for you.