We begin this month with Mercury no longer retrograde, hooray…. We should really begin to see things moving forward and unfolding after June 7th when Mercury returns to 23 degrees of Taurus, which is where the retrograde station took place. When Mercury was traveling retrograde we felt like there was a cog in the wheel. Communications and ideas just didn’t seem to run smoothly. There were delays and agitations, but now we should be feeling and noticing more clarity and a focus of purpose.
Let’s make the most of this weekend. On June 3rd and 4th until 10:59 PM we’ll be in the shadow of the new moon, which is also known as the balsamic or dark of the moon. This is typically a non-productive, low energy cycle. It is a great opportunity for working behind the scenes and planning your strategy of action for the new moon.
The new moon is taking place in the social, multitasking sign of Gemini on June 4th @ 10:59 PM EDST. This will bring good energy and motivation for you to begin something new. It could also bring good news and information that you have been waiting for. Remember the new moon is not until late in the evening, so it would be best to wait until the week of the 5th to launch those new plans or projects.
This new moon will making an exact conjunction with Venus which will be setting the tone for a very social, interactive weekend. This is a great time to have a party and enjoy the company of friends. You may also be drawn or motivated to work on home beautification projects.
One of the challenges with the Gemini new moon is that we may want to begin many new projects and activities but may not be able to choose just one. It will be helpful to prioritize and make your list during the balsamic phase of the moon on the 4th and 5th.
Are you entering a new life phase? Trying to make a big decision or transition? Wondering about a new relationship? Or just trying to understand some of the mysterious synchronicity happening in your life? A private consultation can help you to understand how the planets are interacting with your personal astrological chart at any given time and provides a wider perspective on your life. Give me a call or email me to set up a private appointment and get yourself on course for optimal living!