Capricorn Sun sign forecast

If you were born with your Sun, Moon or ascendant in the sign of Capricorn you  are most likely still feeling Pluto, the transformer, as he is continuing to travel through Capricorn this year.  This can bring about power and control issues for you.  It can also be a time of great change in your life. It is a time when you will work hard to accomplish your goals and ambitions. 

However, you are also feeling the stress of Uranus as he is making a difficult aspect to Capricorn. Since Uranus is a very slow moving planet you might want to role with tide  and the stress as it’s going to be here for a while.  This cycle will teach you to be flexible and perhaps let go of your traditions.

Venus has been traveling through the sign of  Capricorn since early Nov. 2013, so you have been feeling attractive. You’ve probably been getting lots of compliments and affection which can go a long way during a stressful cycle.

Kelly Lowe,  Astrological Counselor and Author of “An Astrologer’s Journey”

Note:    Kelly can help you plan and prepare for your future. Learn more about your relationships, career, the best place or places for you to live, love, work and play. What better way to start the new year than with a consultation and planning session.


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