New Moon @ 21 Virgo, Sept 14, 2023
It’s a busy week. New Moon in Virgo and Mercury going direct…. Sept. 13th – Balsamic Moon, a.k.a. the dark of the Moon…a time for
July 22 – Sept. 3, 2023 Venus Retrograde, What is really important to you? What are your true values?
Venus, the planet that rules love, money, our values, our feelings of security and our connections with friends and family stationed retrograde last night @
July 27th, 2023 Moon in Libra
The day begins with the Moon in Libra helping us to be mentally and physically balanced.. Cooperation and fairness is important. Just enjoy the world
How will the May 5, 2023 Scorpio Lunar Eclipse impact you?
This sun sign forecasts will resonate with you, depending upon the sign that your Sun, Moon or Ascendant are in. For example, if you are
April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse @29 Aries
You will want to be sure to read the forecast for your Sun sign, Moon sign and Ascendant. For example, if you are an Aries
Full Moon in Libra @ 12:34 AM ET April 6, 2023
You will want to be sure to read the forecast for your Sun, Moon and ascendant sign. For example, if you are a Scorpio Sun