Full Moon in Gemini

There was a full Moon this morning @ 4:28 AM EST in the sign of Gemini. The full Moon and the few days following is typically when that which you have been waiting for comes to fruition.

If your Sun, Moon or ascendant is in this sign, this will be an especially active and busy 2 weeks for you.

Emotions and energy tend to run high when there is a full Moon. The Moon will be void of course until 1:17 PM EST, at which time it will  begin its journey through Cancer at 1:17 PM today.  When the Moon is in Cancer are drawn more to domestic matters tend to be more emotionally responsive.

When the Moon is Void of Course it  is sort of like a retrograde period.  Best to work behind the scense and play catch up.  It can be quite and reflective time.

Your thoughts and comments are always welcome.

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