It’s a busy time for my Gemini friends. Mars is traveling through your sun sign until June 25th, giving you boundless energy and a touch of impatience. Well, maybe more than a touch. But then this is nothing new for those born under the dual and ever so active sign. You can handle multiple activities with a certain degree of ease and comfort. In fact you probably don’t understand why everyone is not a multi-tasker.
You may feel that you are spinning your wheels right now as Mercury, your ruling sign, is retrograde. Although everyone is feeling the delays and frustrations of Mercury Rx, I think Gemini’s are even more sensitive to this cycle. There’s no sense fighting it. Just slow down and regroup, rethink and reorganize. Look at this as nature’s way of giving you a time out. This is a good time for you to plan and prepare for the activities that you want to accomplish after the June 16th new moon, which will be in your sun sign. This will be an excellent time for you to initiate your projects and activities to ensure a successful and fruitful outcome. That which you initiate during the first quarter of the moon will tend to have longevity.
Those of you who are celebrating your birthday this weekend have been negotiating the challenges of Saturn, the tester and teacher, opposing your sun this year. This usually brings challenging people or situations into our life that are not of our choosing or are out of our control. The good news is that you’ll get a reprieve when Saturn goes back into Scorpio in mid June. But these people or situations will most likely resurface in the fall when Saturn returns into Sagittarius, opposing your sun. So you may want to take note so you will be prepared to handle the situations as they resurface in the fall. “Forewarned is forearmed.”
I’d love to hear from you. An astrology consultation can be a great tool to help you cope with stressful cycles in your life and to plan and prepare for the future.