
Welcome to my new website and my first ever blog post! The website has been a few months in the making, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. We’re still tweaking and installing a few new items, so I hope you’ll check back frequently to review the changes.

As for the blog, this is my opportunity to offer you additional information on Astrology and Astrological Counseling, provide helpful hints and tips and updated horoscope information. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve never “blogged” before, but I’m excited about the opportunities to share new information and increase my reach to new readers. So if there’s ever a post you find especially interesting, feel free to share it with a friend!

In addition to the launch of my new website and blog, I’ve just launched my first book “An Astrologer’s Journey”. Check out the Book Page for a sneak peek. I’m even offering free shipping during this launch period as a thank you to my loyal website and newsletter readers.

I hope you like the site as much as I do. Thank you again for visiting.

All the Best,


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