Happy days are here for my fire sign friends, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Jupiter the benefic planet has gone into the fun loving sign of Leo on July 16th. So if you are wondering why your spirits seem to be lifted, it could be Jupiter’s positive influence.
Even if your sun is not in a fire sign, but your moon or ascendant are in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius you can still be feeling and benefiting for the positive Jupiter energy. If you happen to be a double or triple fire sign you should be really charged.
Now don’t get me wrong. Just because Jupiter is making a positive aspect to your chart it doesn’t mean that live is all peaches and roses. It means that you will be able to handle what ever happens with a more positive attitude. As the saying goes, “It’s not what happens, but how you handle it that counts.”
I often refer to Jupiter as the guardian angel in my book “An Astrologer’s Journey”, because when we meet someone that we have a Jupiter connection with, they inevitably will play a helpful roll in our life. And when Jupiter is traveling through your sun. moon or ascendant sign or trining your sun, moon or ascendant sign it can be a very uplifting and positive cycle for you.
It takes Jupiter approximately one year to travel through a sign, unless it goes retrograde as it recently did in Cancer, in which case it stays a little longer. Jupiter will be gracing my fun loving Leo friends with her presence and there by also generating a positive influence on Aries and Sagittarius until August of 2015.
You thoughts and comments are always and welcome and appreciated. Have you noticed a change in your attitude this week?
Kelly Lowe is an Astrological Consultant and the Author of “An Astrologer’s Journey.” Private appointments can be made through her website. She can help you plan and prepare for your future. Learn more about your relationships, career, the best place or places for you to live, love, work and play.