March 10 – Balsamic Moon until March 11 @ 3:51 PM EST – This is also known as the dark of the moon, which is NOT a good time to begin anything new. This is the time that you will want to use for completion. It is a quiet, working behind the scenes cycle. You will want to hold off on any promotions or mailings if you are in direct sales. This is the time for finishing that which you have already started. It’s also a good time for research and gathering information.
March 11 – New Moon in Pisces @ 3:51 PM EST – There is a big party going on during this lunar cycle. In addition to the Sun and Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Neptune will all be parading through Pisces. Be prepared as emotions and sensitivity can run high. This is especially true for those of you who were born with your Sun or Moon in this sign.
This is normally the cycle of new beginnings, but there may be some delayed new beginnings as Mercury is still retrograde until the 18th. Best to use this lunar cycle for contemplating and meditating about future plans.
You may find yourself prone to moodiness and impulsive behavior during this lunar cycle. After all, the Moon is all about our feelings. Those who are born with their Sun or Moon in Pisces will be especially affected by this Pisces New Moon.
March 27 – Full Moon in Libra @ 5:27 AM EST – When the moon is full we can expect to see the results of our labors come to fruition. When it is in Libra, peace and harmony are more important than being right. Relationships can blossom and bloom during this cycle. Even friendships can become more prominent and meaningful in our lives. This is a great day to have lunch with a friend.
If your Sun or Moon is in this sign you should find this to be a very eventful month. This could be a time of major changes in your life or a time when that which you have been waiting for comes to fruition.