When I was giving a talk on our “Women’s Symposium Cruise” a few weeks ago about Mercury retrograde, a woman asked, “What do you mean by retrograde?” I sometimes forget that not everyone speaks the astro-language.
Retrograde means that the planet is moving in an apparent backward motion so it is not operating at full speed or capacity.
So when Mercury, the planet that rules communications and our mental processing goes retrograde, communications can become tangled and confused, but it is an excellent opportunity to step back and take a second look, re-think, re-group, re-visit, re-organize and re-process information.
I actually look forward to these periods and save appropriate projects for them. It is a great time to play catch up. This is a better time for completion than initiating something new.
I always try to use this cycle, which by the way occurs three times a year, to clean out some area in my home: a closet, a drawer, my computer files. It’s a great time to reorganize something or some area of your life.
You could also re-read, re-write, review or re-visit your ideas. I always try to avoid traveling when Mercury is Rx, but if you must travel make sure you double check all of your reservations and be prepared for delays.
If you need to sign any contracts during the retrograde cycle be sure to read the small print so there is no misunderstanding or confusion. I usually suggest waiting until after the retrograde cycle if possible.
Kelly is available for a private consultation over the phone.