Mercury Stationing Direct, Oct. 25, 2014

October 4 -25 – Mercury Retrograde – The first and last days of any Mercury retrograde are usually the most challenging. Those days are called stations. The word station in this context means “changing directions.”

There can be considerable confusion on the day of Mercury station, and in fact for about four days on either side there’s something astrologers refer to as the Mercury storm. Think of this as the change of direction rippling out in time. It’s turbulent, just like a ship pulling into the dock, with the captain putting the engines in reverse to slow the ship down. When that happens, the water is churning in all directions.

On the day of a Mercury station, that’s how the mental and psychic energy feels. We get the worst, and the most interesting, manifestations of the retrograde on the days that it begins and ends — and that happened on Oct. 4th.

For those of you who have been following my blog you know the drill. Anything that can go wrong in these areas usually will. If you are traveling, double check your reservations and expect delays. Areas of communications can become confused. It is not a particularly auspicious time to sign a contract as it may not be what it appears to be and you will not be satisfied later with the agreement. Computers can and usually do act up during this cycle. They will seem to have a mind of their own.

The good news is that this is an excellent time to clean out those closets and drawers. You may even find a long lost item. This can be a good time to focus on introspective work, such as reading, writing and studying.


You thoughts and comments are always and welcome and appreciated. Have you noticed a change in your attitude this week?

Kelly Lowe is an Astrological Consultant and the Author of “An Astrologer’s Journey.” Private appointments can be made through her website. She can help you plan and prepare for your future. Learn more about your relationships, career, the best place or places for you to live, love, work and play.

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