New Moon in Capricorn, Astrology Forecast for 2014

The new Moon will be in Capricorn on Jan. 1 @ 6:14 AM, EST.

What better way to start the New Year then with a new Moon, unless of course it is squared by Mars and Uranus.

We begin this year with five planets in the sign of Capricorn.  Capricorn is the sign of structure, business and stability.  Mars, the energizer bunny, action planet will be activating and stimulating the Capricorn planets, there by creating an irritation or motivation. Uranus, the planet of change of unpredictability, is also a major player in this New Moon equation and Jupiter, the expander, will be sure to accelerate whatever is going on.

We are going to see a great deal of change on a universal level.  Changes will also occur in our personal lives in the areas that are affected by this new Moon.  This new Moon  is setting the stage for the year to come.  If you remain flexible and mindful that the inevitable changes will require adjustment, any crises that arise can be taken in stride. 

Kelly Lowe,  Astrological Counselor and Author of “An Astrologer’s Journey”

Note:    Kelly can help you plan and prepare for your future. Learn more about your relationships, career, the best place or places for you to live, love, work and play. What better way to start the new year than with a consultation and planning session.

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