New Moon in Capricorn Dec. 30, 2024

New Moon, New Year  A time for reflection…

As we are coming to the close of another year we are preparing for a New Year and new adventures… We are ending the year with the Moon in its balsamic phase, a.k.a. the dark of the Moon this weekend. This is perfect closure for 2024.

I invite you to tune in to these remaining days of this year to stop and focus on your intentions for the New Year. What would you like to change in or about your life? What or who would you like to attract? What would you like to initiate? The energy of this New Moon can set the tone for planting the seeds for your thoughts and actions to manifest.

Dec. 30th – New Moon in Capricorn @ 5:27 pm est – The Moon in Capricorn is about structure and organization, our image, and the way the world sees us. These are just a few of the areas where you may want to direct your attention. Those who were born with their Sun and/or Moon in Capricorn will especially resonate with this New Moon and could find this be a very significant year.

Do you have your 2025 Journal? Writing your intentions for the New Year will be a great way to begin 2025. I encourage you to always remain open to new and innovative opportunities that may come your way as the Moon is making a favorable connection with Uranus in Taurus on Dec. 31st promoting change and a motivation to be unique in the New Year.

I always enjoy hearing from you. Please feel to contact me if you have any questions or would like more personal information. I look forward to hearing about your joys and challenges and will respond to all communications.

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