New Moon in Libra Oct. 19th, Focus on your Relationships

We begin this week with the moon completing her last quarter as we prepare to set our intentions for the new moon on October 19th @ 3:12 pm edst. The 24 hours prior to the new moon is known as the balsamic phase. This is when there is no light reflecting, no energy.  It is best to be used for quiet, contemplative activities.

The New Moon will bring us a new cycle wherein we can plant seeds for a brighter, more compassionate, more cooperative future. When the moon is in Libra, and especially when it is a new moon, it is all about relationships and interacting with others.

This will be an especially powerful new lunar cycle as the moon will be opposing Uranus in Aries. This is a new moon that you will want to pay particular attention to. You may find that your emotions are more aroused. You should avoid making any rash decisions during this time.
As you settle into this new lunar cycle, take a deep look at your life, and see the opportunities that exist allowing you to turn your challenges into a work of art.
It might take the form of stabilizing a relationship, friendship, or professional partnership, or it might take the form of a literal creative endeavor. Whatever it is, this New Moon plants the seeds for increased stability and cooperation in some aspect of your life.

Although most of us are working on relationships in one form or another, those who were born with their sun, moon or ascendant in Libra will find this to be especially significant for them.

Remember to write down your new moon intentions list within 24 hours of the new moon, which will be at 3:12pm, and review the lists you have made with previous new moons.  I think you will be amazed to see how many things have already come to fruition.

So what relationships and/or partnerships are you working on? What changes do you want to make in your life? What or who would you like to attract into your life? Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to schedule a private coaching session. I always enjoy hearing from you.

I will be in Europe with limited communication Oct. 26th – Nov. 5th, so it may take me a bit longer to respond to you if you reach out to me during this time. I appreciate your patience and look forward to reconnecting with you all upon my return.

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Wishing you love, light and many blessings,
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