As we are adjusting to the time change and fewer daylight hours this is a good time to reflect, plan, and prepare for that which we would like to manifest into our life. The moon will be in her balsamic phase, also known as the “dark of the moon,” on November 17th. This tends to be a quiet, low key, low energy time as we are gearing up to take action when the moon begins her new cycle on the 18th.
November 18th – New Moon in Scorpio @ 6:42 AM ET– This is an excellent time to initiate a new project or make a new beginning. A Scorpio moon, and especially when it is a new or full moon, will tend to generate strong emotions and feelings. Decisions will be made from an emotional and intuitive level. This is a time when you may want to retreat and keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.
I encourage you to make a list “in writing” of that which you would like to attract into your life. This brings to mind a quote from Napoleon Hill, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive it can achieve.” So I encourage you to write down your mental conceptions on the day of the new moon. Give it life, give it energy, and you will be amazed at what will transpire.
Continue to meditate about your desires during the week of the 19th to create strong and lasting results. Take advantage of the powerful energy of the new moon and receive all the blessings that are available to you!
Born with your sun or moon in Scorpio, or have a Scorpio friend: This new lunar cycle will be very powerful and personal for Scorpios. This is a time when your body will be recharged. You will be strongly influenced by the emotional patterns that dominate your life. You will feel a burst of energy and will want to take time for yourself to appreciate, resonate and enjoy it. What are your goals, hopes, dreams and desires? Write them down. Give them energy.
Jupiter, the guardian angel and benefactor, has begun her one year journey through Scorpio giving you a sense of confidence and good fortune. Life is good, but it can be even better when Jupiter is traveling through your sun sign. And let’s not forget that Venus, the planet that rules love & money will be traveling through your sign through the end of this month.
Mercury Rx: December 3rd – 22nd – Forewarned is forearmed… You might want to get your Christmas shopping done early this year, as Mercury is going retrograde on December 3rd. If this sounds familiar it’s because Mercury went retrograde on December 19th of last year and I sent the same alert. When Mercury is retrograde there is a tendency to have to return items that are purchased during the retrograde cycle, so you may want to save your receipts in case it is the wrong size or color. I always find that it is easier to make gift decisions when Mercury is not retrograde, so I’ve already gotten a head start on my shopping and hope to have it completed by the 3rd. At least that is my goal. Or you could wait and hit all the big sales after the 22nd.
For more daily star-tracking information, and to stay connected with me during my trip, I invite you to “like” and follow me on Facebook. Just click the link below to make sure you don’t miss a single post.
Wishing you a very joyful Thanksgiving!
May you be surrounded by love and light,
Have you been thinking about scheduling a private astrological coaching session with me or wondering how it might help you?
What is an astrological coaching session?
Reading my newsletters is a great way to get a broad sense of how the moon phases, eclipses, or other general planetary aspects are affecting your life.
But a private coaching session with me, which takes about an hour, can help you plan and prepare for your future, learn more about your relationships, career, or the best place or places for you to live.
It can help you to understand and work with the issues that are truly impacting you at this time in your life. A consultation with me will help you to plan and prepare in areas of your life that are being highlighted in your astrology chart. We will address questions that you have about certain themes, struggles, or celebrations that are weaving through your work, relationships, health and personal goals. Treat yourself to the gift of a astrological coaching session with me and chart a course for optimal living.
Email me or give me a call today!
Did You Know That My Book is Available on My Website?
It received a very positive review from “Dell Horoscope,” a popular astrological magazine. Read on below for the full review:
“Astrologer Kelly Lowe takes an unusual and welcome approach to exploring the celestial arts in
An Astrologer’s Journey. Written in the first person is the story of how she got into astrology and what
she has learned along the way. This tale takes the reader behind
the scenes of the astrological community, while explaining many of the most interesting astrological principles. A few pages introduce the language of astrology, and then her story begins with her first astrology reading, an event that changed her life.

After you read the section on the Jupiter connection, you’ll want to compare the position of your Sun Jupiter on your partner’s Sun Jupiter. This combination – one person’s Jupiter on the other’s Sun – is like having a Guardian Angel. It’s a magical connection that enhances your personal and professional life, so that you often feel uplifted and motivated when this person is around.
Gems like this pop up throughout the narrative, so bring a highlighter with you when you read this marvelously entertaining and illuminating journal.”
By Chris Lorenz, Dell Horoscope
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