Sun Sign Forecast for March 2013

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – You are still feeling Uranus’ impact as it is traveling through Aries.  You can continue to expect the unexpected and try to remain flexible.  Although this is easier and more natural for Aries, Capricorns may not be so comfortable with Uranus’ unconventional influence.  Aries can enjoy their moments of genius inspiration and creativity while Libras may be inspired by others.  Cancers are getting blind-sided with unexpected news and situations that they have to deal with.

If you are an Aries who was born between March 20 – April 3 , a Cancer who was born between June 21 – July 5, a Libra born between September 23 – October 6, or a Capricorn born between December 22 – January 3, you have been and are especially feeling the affects of this Uranus cycle. It is important for you to maintain your sense of humor and try not to let the unexpected curve balls thrown your way throw you off your game.  Life can be very exciting and overwhelming at the same time.  Although changes can be inevitable, try to keep everything in a proper perspective.  Try not to over react or take things out of context.

Taurus – You are feeling the affects of Saturn’s opposition as it is bringing structure and possible constraints and challenges that would be imposed by others.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius  – You  will continue to be as busy as ever as Jupiter, the planet that rules expansion and optimism, continues to influence your sun sign.  Although Uranus is opposing Libra,  Jupiter will help you to see the silver lining during any challenges that may arise.

Virgo – You will feel the heat and activity as all of the planets that are traveling through Pisces this month will be opposing your Sun sign.  This means that circumstances tend to be out of your control and you are in more of a responsive mode.  Your good nature will be called upon to help others.  You will probably need to learn to say no more often than not.

Scorpio  -You will continue to feel the structure and responsibility as Saturn is traveling through your Sun sign. If you were  born Oct. 24th – Nov. 5th you are feeling the strongest effects of Saturn’s influence.  You will want to take especially good care of your health and try not to stretch yourself too thin.  There may be a tendency to feel tired and over worked.

Leo and Sagittarius – You should be feeling energized and optimistic toward the middle of the month as Mars and Venus will be influencing your sun sign.  This would be a great time for you to embrace a new idea or project.

Pisces – You are just beginning to enjoy Neptune’s journey through your Sun sign.  Since Neptune is the natural ruler of Pisces this should be a comfortable cycle for you. Although you are sensitive and compassionate by nature, you will most likely find that your sensitivity and compassion for others will be increased. You will want to be especially careful about medications, drugs and/or alcohol during this cycle.

You will also be feeling the impact and energy of Mars until March 12. Mars is noted for its impatience and impetuous behavior. So you may want to slow down and avoid a train wreck.  This can be a very constructive and productive time for Pisces.

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