Sun Sign Forecast/ May 25th Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

There will be a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on May 25, 2013 @ 12:24 am EDT @ 4 degrees Sagittarius.  The Full Moon and especially when it is an eclipsed Moon, creates an enormous amount of energy for all creatures large and small that are living on planet earth.  The tides are noticeably higher and our emotions are noticeably deeper.  This can be a very volatile and overly reactive time depending upon what area of your life is being affected by this eclipse cycle.  I will address this in detail.

For those of you who were born with your Sun or Moon in the sign of Sagittarius this should prove to be an especially eventful cycle for you.

The full moon and especially when it is an eclipsed full moon is when that which we have been waiting for will come to fruition.

The Lunar Eclipse will be personal to each and every one of us depending upon what area of our chart (or house) it takes place in.  The following is what you can expect to see in your personal life as the eclipse plays out.  The effects of the eclipse can be in play for 6 -12 months following the actual event and up to 30 days prior.

Aries –   This cycle is all about looking to the future, learning, traveling, expanding your horizons and moving forward.  You could expand your interest in education, publication, philosophy and religion. You may find yourself drawn towards or involved in these types of activities: planning a trip, thinking of furthering your education or pursuing education in your special interest. You may also reevaluate your religious beliefs during this cycle.  Since this eclipse is making a very nice correlation to your Sun sign this should cultivate a very enjoyable and pleasant cycle for you.

Taurus –   This a time when you may choose to re-evaluate your investments, insurance coverage and your joint finances. You may find yourself having to reevaluate or renegotiate these areas of your life. Matters that have been pending may come to fruition in these areas.  You may also be dealing with  taxes, perhaps you will receive an inheritance during this cycle.

Gemini  – Happy Birthday!  There is a focus on your interactions with others, especially your spouse, partner or significant other.  If you are married, there may be some work to be done.  If you are single, you may be thinking of getting married.  This should be a very meaningful and eventful year for you.  You could even form a business partnership of some sort.

This will tend to be a reactive cycle rather then active cycle for you. You will be in a more responsive mode.  As if  you are not busy enough now you are having to deal with other peoples needs and demands during this cycle.

Cancer –   This is a time when you will want to take especially good care of your health.  Diet, exercise and a routine physical would be very appropriate.  There could be a change in your daily routine or working environment during this cycle.

Any health related issues that you have been putting off will need to be attended to at this time. It is a good time to schedule a physical and begin a healthy diet and exercise program if you have not already done so.

Leo –   This is an excellent time for your creative energy to flow.  It’s a time when the child in you can come out to play.  If you have children you may be having more interaction with them or if they live far away, you will be hearing from them.

You may find yourself drawn to creative projects, such as cooking or decorating. You should enjoy your leisure time and perhaps find more time for love and romance.

Virgo –   You will also be dealing with home and family matters and getting in touch with your roots and foundation.  There may be stress or conflict in trying to balance your professional and family life.  You could personally move or have someone move in or out of your home.  This cycle often times can bring about changes in the home environment. Whatever the case there will be more attention given to your home and surroundings and your personal feeling of security.  A parent or parents may require more of your time and attention.

Libra   This is an excellent  time for you to enjoy catching up on your reading.  You will be motivated to  write and communicate. You could spend quality time with your siblings.  You may decide to plan a trip which will give you greatly needed mental stimulation.

Scorpio –   This cycle is  all about your values, your money and what is really important to you. You will also be paying more attention to your personal finances and values.

Sagittarius –   This Lunar Eclipse will be very personal to you. It is time for you to take charge of your life.  Your natural flexibility should support and help you make some personal changes.

This is a time when you would want to take especially good care of yourself. You may change your appearance in some way.  It is a great time to begin a healthy diet and exercise program.  Maintaining a strong healthy body is going to be very important for you during this cycle.

Capricorn- This a time when you will want to go within to find your inner strength and solace.   You may need to visit some one who is confined or needs your help.  There is also a focus on your health, work routine and day to day activities.

Aquarius –  This is a time when you will want to get in touch with your hopes and goals and dreams and wishes.  You may find yourself becoming more involved in social and group organizations and activities.

Pisces –  There is a focusing on your career and public image.  You could change careers or get a promotion during this cycle, which would require a great deal of more work for you.  This eclipse is making a difficult connection with your Sun sign so the changes may appear to be challenging at first, but can be beneficial in the long term.

Kelly Lowe, Astrological Counselor & Author of  “An Astrologer’s Journey”

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