Venus Retrograde, Dec. 21 – Jan. 31, 2014

coupleVenus, the planet that rules love, money and our values will be retrograde until January 31st. The term retrograde means that the planet is moving in an apparent backward motion and therefore it is not operating at full speed.  Therefore it is the time to take a second look at these areas of our life.  It is a time when you will want to take a long hard look at what is really important to you.  You may find that you are more financially conservative and more attentive to your bank balance.  It is also a time when you may want to meet with your financial planner to re-evaluate your finances.

If you are in a relationship that is not fulfilling, you may find that has become more obvious.  This is a time when you can work on improving it or making the necessary adjustments.  This is also a time when a past love could come calling again.  Or you may be thinking that you’d like him or her to come calling again. 

It’s time to think about what is really important in our life and what is not.  It’s a time when our values become more clear to us.  Sometimes we are so busy we just don’t take the time to appreciate these things.  As we are entering into the new year, what better way to embrace it. 

Kelly Lowe, Astrological Consultant & Author of “An Astrologer’s Journey”

Note:    Kelly can help you plan and prepare for your future.  Learn more about your relationships, career, the best place or places for you to live, love, work and play. What better way to start the new year than with a consultation/planning session.

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