What is the Autumn Equinix, and how will it impact you?

What is the Fall Equinox? The Fall Equinox, also known as the Autumn Equinox, is when the Sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south. This occurs around September 22 or 23 each year in the Northern Hemisphere. On this day, day and night are approximately equal in length, signaling the official start of autumn. Hence, known as the Autumn Equinox. It’s a time of balance and transition, as we move from the warmth of summer into the cooler months of fall.

The Sun moving into Libra has made it halfway through the zodiac signs. The Libra season is always a time for appreciating and creating balance in our life and our relationships. It is a time for introspection, but with the added influence of the eclipses, it’s crucial to make serious decisions and ensure that your life choices align with your true purpose and emotional well-being.

This year’s Fall Equinox aligns with an intense eclipse season, bringing emotionally charged energy that could lead to significant and fated developments.

In “The Art of Connecting”, Feeding Your Soul,  Jimmy Buffet, Dolly Parton, Patrick Swayze, meditation and yoga are a few of the examples that I share.

Astrologically, it is the time when we are invited to evaluate our progress since the Spring Equinox and adjust our plans for the second half of the astrological year. It is the time to close a chapter. We can also take advantage of this Autumn Equinox to make a fresh start with the new moon on October 2.


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